Body Health.

How Relaxed Are You When You're Sleeping? After a full night’s sleep, do you wake in the morning exhausted? Or STILL feeling tired? The effects...

By Katika Funnell, Registered Acupuncturist Can Kids have acupuncture? How do you give children acupuncture? It may boggle the mind of a parent how to...

Chinese Cupping Therapy is a traditional treatment where cups are placed on the skin to create suction. As a result, this technique improves blood flow,...

Finding Relief: Acupuncture for Shin Splints from Sports Injuries Shin splints are a common ailment among athletes, especially runners, because of overuse or improper training...

Restoring Harmony: Can Acupuncture help Gut Issues? Gut issues like bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, and nausea can significantly impact one's quality of life....

Cupping Therapy benefits - are there any? In this article, we'll dive into the advantages of Chinese Cupping Therapy, describe what it feels like, and...