Healthy Recipes.

In the Summer season, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dietary advice emphasises balancing the body's internal energy with the hot, yang-dominant climate. TCM Perspective on Seasonal Eating for Summer In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), summer is associated with the Fire element, which governs the heart and small intestine. The season's yang energy is at its peak, […]

Winter Warmer: Healthy Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup Recipe As the chilly winter months continue, nothing beats a warm and nourishing soup to keep your energy levels up high and strong against the cold. This Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup is delicious and popular. In TCM we talk about using root vegetables (complex carbohydrates) as […]

Broth has been revered for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for its nourishing and healing properties. I enjoy drinking bone broth when I'm unwell or feeling particularly tired and run down. What is the difference between Chicken and beef bone broth, according to TCM?

I made these the other day with huge success. Even the carnivores at the table were enjoying them. Aromatic spicy and with a big zing, these bright patties compliment any salad, veg sides or even meat weeknight dinner.

I did tweak it a little though... try this out.


Chicken bone broth has been consumed for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a healing food believed to improve health and longevity. I've included one of our favourite recipes to make your own in this post.

Asparagus and Feta Tart With Spring comes and abundance of Asparagus because it's in season, not to mention lots of health benefits too. What to do with so many bunches of asparagus? Make an asparagus and feta tart of course! Being green and like its other green friends such as leafy greens, brassica family and aromatic […]