
Can Acupuncture help a hamstring injury? Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate nerve endings, muscles, and connective tissues. In contrast to dry needling, qualified Acupuncturists have more in depth training around needle technique and multiple strategies to solve a muscular problem.

The pain of Plantar Fasciitis is sharp and agonising, with each step producing a sharp stabbing sensation.  In this article we look at some strategies for people with Plantar Fasciitis when they think they've tried everything.

Tight and tense shoulders is a common complaint at the clinic, with people really battling pain, discomfort and sleeplessness as a result. Rather than suffer in silence we encourage people to ask for help to get on top of the problem sooner rather than later. Here are some of our best tips for tight shoulders.

Fascial Pectoralis Stretch for a tight chest The muscle: The Pectoralis is the muscle in the area between  the armpit, beneath the shoulder and above the breast tissue and nipple. It assist with shoulder movement and strength, upper body strength and strength behind a throwing action. The idea with this technique is to passively stretch […]