
Recently I caught up with a client that I hadn’t seen since last year and he said to me in absolute amazement and beaming pride “my sugar cravings are completely gone – I never thought that would happen.”   As a Functional Nutritionist I would love to just say to everyone – “when you take […]

By Linda Funnell-Milner, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner

Most people overeat from time to time, until they become bloated and feel uncomfortable.  This is typically an occasional thing though (Christmas, birthdays etc), so no long term harm is done. A binge eating disorder is different because the sufferer...

3 Day Juice & Soup Fast for Rebooting your system as seen in the Joe Cross film "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead".

Some Juicing Tips:

  • Please consult a Naturopath or Nutritionist before starting your juice fast to ensure you're body will cope.
  • Juice doesn't count as water, make sure, you're still drinking water throughout the day
  • More tips below....