Clinical hypnotherapy.

How Relaxed Are You When You're Sleeping? After a full night’s sleep, do you wake in the morning exhausted? Or STILL feeling tired? The effects of stress or an unrested mind doesn’t necessarily stop once your head hits the pillow. Sleep Disorders called Parasomnias happen to you whilst you sleep and can cause fatigue. They […]

Can you believe I've been at Terrey Hills now since August 2018?! It's been great being part of a Medical Practice in the suburbs. A medical practice with a doctor that is welcoming of other modalities in the practice makes for a more wholistic approach to healthcare. The Allied & Complementary Medicine team at the […]

When newbies take on an Endurance race either as a personal goal, New Year's Resolution or as part of an ongoing fitness regime, they can bite off more than they can chew. The well-worn veterans in Endurance Racing know this stuff inside out and include it in their training programs because they know there's more to […]

Anxiety & Depression rates are growing at an exponential rate these days. Working on your lifestyle habits can help ease the pressures and stress on your body. Through diet, exercise and healthy living - get these ducks in a row, and it will make a significant difference to your life and anxiety levels.

Quit Smoking. Its a big breakthrough for anyone. Going back to the beginning, when a person decides to have their first cigarette, they attach a ‘value’ to the experience. Perhaps they choose to try one in order to fit in or connect with their friends, perhaps it’s to rebel and feel independent or to take […]

By Linda Funnell-Milner, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner

Most people overeat from time to time, until they become bloated and feel uncomfortable.  This is typically an occasional thing though (Christmas, birthdays etc), so no long term harm is done. A binge eating disorder is different because the sufferer...