
It’s hard to lose weight when you’re fighting your genes. For many people, weight loss is a constant battle. They can see that diets work...

By Katika Funnell - Acupuncturist

The Facts :
•    Various studies show that women experience constipation more than men.
•    Rates as high as two thirds of women were said to experience constipation from a survey conducted by Gut Foundation on 1,300 women.
•    1 in 3 people are too embarrassed to discuss constipation with their friends or family.
•    1 in 5 people say constipation stops them from exercising or engaging in social activities.
•    Research shows there are misconceptions about Constipation and the use of Laxatives to treat it.

Cholecystitis (Inflammation of the Gall Bladder) is associated with cholelithiasis (Gall Stones) in 98% of cases.  It can leave you with ribside pain, reflux, nausea...

Sweet Laughs Over 'Hidden Sugar' That Sugar Film by Australian Actor Damon Gameau is for the brave and courageous for two reasons. (1)There's a memorable...

The Summer Merry-Go-Round Is Here. Warm Weather And Weight Loss So what is the latest weight loss diet in the news? You may or may...