Can Acupuncture help a Hangover A hangover is a common consequence of overindulging in alcohol. Symptoms can last anywhere from a few hours to up to 24 hours, depending on the severity of the hangover and the individual’s health. While the symptoms are unpleasant, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers effective treatments, such as acupuncture, to […]
Fatty liver disease has become increasingly prevalent in recent years as our lifestyles have become more indulgent and less active. Seeking natural remedies, many individuals are turning to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for its holistic approach to health. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Chinese herbs, exploring their potential benefits for managing […]
Does Acupuncture help PMS? (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) Using Acupuncture is a positive support for your body during this time of the month. Let's take a look at some of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture strategies to help a woman with PMS.
HOW ACUPUNCTURE & CHINESE HERBS CAN HELP RELIEVE MIGRAINES Migraines are sometimes unresponsive to medication. People are now looking for other methods to relieve migraine pain for fear of taking medications for long periods of time and its side effects. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers an easy alternative with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture having no […]
Cholecystitis (Inflammation of the Gall Bladder) is associated with cholelithiasis (Gall Stones) in 98% of cases. It can leave you with ribside pain, reflux, nausea and indigestion. A general summary of what’s happening on the inside is either blockage of the bile ducts in the Liver, stasis of bile with infection and poor regulation of […]