
Can Acupuncture help a Hangover A hangover is a common consequence of overindulging in alcohol. Symptoms can last anywhere from a few hours to up to 24 hours, depending on the severity of the hangover and the individual’s health. While the symptoms are unpleasant, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers effective treatments, such as acupuncture, to […]

Let me ask you a question. How long has it been since you felt good in your body? I mean really good. Are you waiting till summer, hoping you can hide under winter woollies before you think about the next diet? If you made the commitment to finally fit into that favourite dress again – […]

By Linda Funnell-Milner, Functional Nutritionist "I’ve Tried Every Diet and none of them work." Does this sound like you? Losing weight is not always easy and some diets get good results early but then don’t deliver from week 4 or 5 onwards.

Caffeine is a drug. A very useful drug in fact, under specific conditions. How about using it to your advantage in an Endurance Race? It's not such a bad thing when you use it this way...

Energy & Stamina - they're crucial in getting you over the finish line in any high intensity sport or endurance race. How do you keep stamina & energy levels high throughout an event? What are people doing wrong that you should be avoiding? Let's take a closer look...

What if you're NOT an athelete? Can you still successfully compete AND complete in Endurance races? Absolutely. With the help of Carbs...let's take a closer look.