
The immune system is one of the most important systems of the body, and our most important defender against foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. It is only when we begin to feel run down or can’t shake a cold that we give the immune system the attention it deserves.

Although we know vegetables dramatically improve health, all the mechanisms by which that occurs continues to be studied. It’s becoming clearer exactly how we can support healthy cognition and design treatments that assist clients with healthy aging and preventing cognitive decline. Recently, researchers uncovered the pathways by which leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables improve brain […]

[perfectpullquote align="full" cite="" link="" color="" class="" size=""]Grief Relief [/perfectpullquote] The triggers for grief are the things we “miss” It's, the walks, the talks, the hugs.   Believing that only time can heal grief stagnates the healing process. Often, we believe grief is about missing someone but in truth we usually only miss the good things. […]

Its common to hear stories of people getting through Endurance events such as Oxfam Trailwalker and Coastrek, telling their war-like stories of getting through it, battle wounds and all. It's true, you can get through it. But what if you also had something left in the tank on finishing, were blister-free and weren't hobbling around for the […]

When newbies take on an Endurance race either as a personal goal, New Year's Resolution or as part of an ongoing fitness regime, they can bite off more than they can chew. The well-worn veterans in Endurance Racing know this stuff inside out and include it in their training programs because they know there's more to […]

You don't know what you want, you have trouble making decision, feel overwhelmed or down right flat when it comes to thinking about the year ahead. You know what you want is out there, because you're certainly not feeling great about where you are right now. But how do you get from here to there? […]