
Does Acupuncture hurt? This is probably the most common question when it comes to Acupuncture. People have amazing imaginations in conjuring up all kinds of...

Tight and tense shoulders is a common complaint at the clinic, with people really battling pain, discomfort and sleeplessness as a result. Rather than suffer...

By Katika Funnell - Acupuncturist

The Facts :
•    Various studies show that women experience constipation more than men.
•    Rates as high as two thirds of women were said to experience constipation from a survey conducted by Gut Foundation on 1,300 women.
•    1 in 3 people are too embarrassed to discuss constipation with their friends or family.
•    1 in 5 people say constipation stops them from exercising or engaging in social activities.
•    Research shows there are misconceptions about Constipation and the use of Laxatives to treat it.

Going through IVF treatment, Morning Sickness or Pelvic Pain? Have a Breech presentation or want to try and avoid a caesarian? So you've heard that other women are using Acupuncture during Pregnancy. Want to know more about it? Here's some more information & research studies to help broaden your understanding of how we can help you.

Get relief fast - Help Your Sinus With Simple Acupressure or Acupuncture. Q: Is your Bi Tong or Ying Xiang sore? A: My what?!?! Winter...

By Katika Funnell - Acupuncturist Despite Doctors of Medicine discouraging the use of any supplements, herbs or complementary medicine (CAM) in regards to Cancer, you...