
Lower back pain is a common presentation and Acupuncture is an excellent option for back pain sufferers. Whether you’ve just hurt it or an old...

Your Headache could be telling you more than you think. When they’re mild, headaches or migraines can just be an annoyance in the background. At...

MANAGING FIBROMYALGIA: IS IT POSSIBLE? Fibromyalgia is a condition that can lead to serious daily pain. Some sufferers may find it difficult to even do...

How Acupuncture Can Help Manage Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis You have heard that acupuncture has an incredible effect that managing pain. Quite often we think...

The Top 4 Ways Acupuncture Promotes Sleep If you are having difficulty reaching an ideal sleep pattern or fighting insomnia you should strongly consider trying...

Insomnia (Latin for sleepless) is a term everyone uses when they’re having trouble sleeping. Whether it be trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, Chinese...