Plantar Fasciitis & Acupuncture.

How Acupuncture Can Help Manage Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis

You have heard that acupuncture has an incredible effect that managing pain. Quite often we think of acupuncture in pain management however our thoughts immediately turned to chronic conditions like back pain, neck pain and more. Acupuncture has actually had some surprising results on foot pain as well especially with conditions like plantar Fasciitis.

In a study conducted by the Department of orthopedics at Bedford s wing hospital in the UK several patients attending an orthopedic outpatient clinic were given physiotherapy shoe support and acupuncture treatments. After four weeks of treatment patients began to experience some regular pain relief as a result of the treatment of their condition. After six weeks many patients experienced even less pain. Utilizing trigger points through acupuncture allowed therapists to improve pain responses across each one of the patients involved in the study.

Because the condition Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation-based condition that affects the ligaments that run along the sole of our feet, utilizing acupuncture can actually help to reduce the inflammation and the pain associated with this condition. By targeting it directly at the source patients can experience far less pain throughout the whole of their foot and this can improve functions when it comes to exercising, mobility and more. With the impacts completed by both physiotherapy and acupuncture many patients have found that they can regain their original quality of life and returned to somewhat normal activity levels.

Acupuncture works to relax the muscles by hitting trigger points in the calves, the foot and the sole. Through regular targeted treatment you can reduce pain throughout your foot using acupuncture treatments. A professional acupuncture practitioner can target the points along the foot to assist with the management of pain levels. Speak to Katika Funnell at Family Wellness centre for more information about how acupuncture can help your plantar fasciitis. Katika is a registered Acupuncturist with AHPRA, has 12 years experience treating musculoskeletal conditions including Plantar Fasciitis. Call today on 9938 1090.


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