Arthiritis: A Lifetime Of Pain? Or Hope?.

By Katika Funnell, Acupuncturist

Arthritis. A lot of people give up at this point and believe medications for the rest of their life is the solution and that nothing else will help relieve their chronic joint pain & arthritis. Here we discuss some of the Natural options on offer.

In my experience as an acupuncturist, the simplicity of drug-free treatments, has big advantages for the client with Arthritis & Joint pain. Natural therapies, such as Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Nutrition can find relief where medications can do no more - because they work WITH the body’s natural physiology and treat the symptoms & cause simultaneously. The advantage for the client is there are no nasty side effects as is common with medications.

Mrs C 88 has an arthritic hip. Her Doctor said he couldn’t do anything more for her, so her family wanted to try Acupuncture for pain relief. Her hip pain was keeping her awake at night, limiting her ability to exercise during the day and she was feeling hopeless. Was this a lost cause? Absolutely Not!

Using a simple approach of Acupuncture and Moxa over a series of treatments to reduce inflammation showed promising results. First Mrs C’s walking stick didn’t need to be used every day, then her family said she wasn’t experiencing pain as frequently or as intensely, and soon she was able to attend exercise classes to maintain strength & mobility without residual soreness. Getting her back to exercising would be part of her complete rehabilitation.

If mild arthritis is a concern, consider acupuncture amongst other Natural Therapies – it can relieve pain, maintain mobility & prolong time before a last resort such as cortisone injections or surgery, is necessary. If surgery is not an option for someone because of their age or other health concerns, consider acupuncture for similar reasons. The World Health Organisation recognises acupuncture as effective for pain management in cases such as arthritis.

Some important things to remember:

·         If you don’t use it you lose it. Exercise is the key to keeping joints lubricated, mobile and functional.

·         Natural pain relief techniques like Acupuncture and Osteopathy can make a profound difference where medications are limited.

·         You’re never too “senior” to have pain relief. The body is amazing in its ability to recover & and repair in spite of ageing!

For more information about Joint or Arthritis Pain Management using Acupuncture, speak to Katika at Family Wellness Centre today!

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