The Traditional Mediterranean Diet.


Most people are  bemused by all the fuss about how good the Mediterranean diet. In our modern experience it includes a lot of pasta, pizza, cheese and red wine.

However the Traditional Mediterranean Diet that the original research was conducted on looks nothing like the menu at your local Italian restaurant.

Here are 10 points that will guide you to the original experience and also the original health benefits, including low body mass, stabilised sugar levels and low heart disease.

  1. Use olive oil as the main added fat: aim for around 60 mls /day;
  1. Eat vegetables with every meal : include 100g leafy greens and 100g tomatoes, and 200g other vegetables/day;
  1. Include at least two legumes meals (250g serve) per week;
  1. Eat at least two servings of fish (150-200g serves) per week and include oily fish:for example Atlantic and Australian salmon, blue-eye trevalla, blue mackerel, gemfish, canned sardines, and canned salmon.Canned tuna is not as high in the important fish oil omega-3, but still a good choice to include in your fish serves.
  1. Eat smaller portions of meat : beef, lamb, pork and chicken,less often - no more than once or twice a week;
  1. Eat fresh fruit every day and dried fruit and nuts as snacks or dessert;
  1. Eat yoghurt everyday (about 200g) and cheese in moderation: about 30 to 40 grams per day;
  1. Include wholegrain breads and cereals with meals: aim for 3-4 slices of bread per day;
  1. Consume wine in moderation: one standard drink a day, which is about 100 mls, always with meals and don't get drunk. Try and have a couple of alcohol free days a week;
  1. Have sweets or sweet drinks for special occasions only.

If you are considering changing your food choices, want some help with weight loss, cholesterol management or need inspiration or support, come and see Linda Funnell-Milner at the clinic- she is now a fully qualified Nutritionist. Call 9938 1090 today to make an appointment.



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